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Natalia Oreiro

Natalia Oreiro obrázek, fotka

Natalia Marisa Oreiro Iglesias Poggio Bourié (born May 19, 1977 in Montevideo, Uruguay) is a popular Latin Grammy-nominated Uruguayan singer and actress that developed most of her career in Argentina.


She studied drama at age eight and at twelve she auditioned for advertisements. During her teens she acted in more than 30 television commercials for such trade marks as Coca Cola, Pepsi and Johnson & Johnson. At the age of 16 she moved to Argentina to work there and unleash her ambition to be a star. She worked as an MTV VJ and, in 1995, she landed a role in the soap opera Dulce Ana. She was then cast in the TV series 90-60-90 modelos (1996) and next in Ricos y famosos (1997) (playing Valeria), which received attention throughout Argentina and abroad. Next, she participated in the Argentinian blockbuster Un Argentino en New York (1998), in which she played as an ambitious teenager who wants to reach musical stardom. There was irony in this role, because after the movie, Natalia lauched her first album, Natalia Oreiro and the single "Cambio dolor" became the opening theme for her next acting project, the prime time show Muñeca Brava (1998-1999), which was an every-afternoon-smash-hit during its run in Argentina, Europe countries in the Middle East. Her album was sold in those countries as well. For her performance in Muñeca Brava, Natalia was nominated twice (1998 and 1999) for a Martín Fierro Award as best actress in a leading role. On January 2000, Natalia was named "Celebrity of the Year" by E! Entertainment Television. She became an especially popular star in Russia due to the major success of Muñeca brava in that country and was even invited to star in a Russian telenovela.

She pursued her music career with the next album Tu Veneno and presentations in "Gala de la Hispanidad", "Gala de Murcia" (both in Spain) and "Festival de la Calle 8" in Miami. Her most important appearance was in the prestigious Latin television show Sábado Gigante Internacional, hosted by Don Francisco. Natalia's mayor achievement at this time was her music performance in Chile at the Viña del Mar Festival 2000, for which she was crowned Queen of that event. The album scored a Latin Grammy nomination for Best Pop Female Vocal Album, but lost to Christina Aguilera's Mi Reflejo.

On December 31, 2001, she married boyfriend Ricardo Mollo, in Fernando de Noronha. Mollo is the leader of Argentinian rock band "Divididos". Her third album, Turmalina, was released in 2002 along with her new telenovela "Kachorra". In 2006 she joined the cast of the smash hit telenovela "Sos mi vida" along with her "Muñeca brava" co-star Facundo Arana. Her fourth album was supposed to released on 2006 but the production of "Sos mi vida" went until December 2006 due the success in Argentina so it will be released towards the end of 2007. For now the album is still untitled.


Natalia Oreiro fotka

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